Top 5 hottest female hackers

List of top 5 hottest female hackers

Boys, geeky and nerdy with glasses on face, this is what comes to your mind; when you think of hackers. Hold on this article because this article is going to bust this stereotype from your mind. You are missing gang of some super hot, sexy girls that can make you uncomfortable with their hotness. They are the geeky chicks, the beauties with brains. Don’t be judgmental with their looks for their look can melt down your heart. And, their brains can melt down the highly secured firewalls.

1.Adeanna Cooke

Adeanna Cooke
Image source:techlomedia

This former Playboy model is a self-trained hacker. Her story of getting hands on hacking and becoming a famous is very interesting. Surfing the net, she accidentally found her photo shots on an authorized website. The website was making money out of it without her knowledge or permission. So, this hotty did something very impressive. In spite of informing the authority and taking their help, she started to learn coding and became hacking maestro. Then she hacked that website to remove all her photos. Later, she helped many girls who faced similar condition of helplessness.


Image source :soldierx

Famous with the name of Gigabyte, this Belgium born cute looking hacker is notorious of all. Her real name is Kim Vanvaeck. Just at the age of 14 she wrote her first virus to make her presence feel in the dark world of male dominated hackers. She has developed some high ends viruses like Coconut-A, Sharp-A, Sahay-A. They attack hardware and then destroy sensitive data from memory. Though arrested, she was released on bail, within 24 hours.

3.Anna Chapman

Anna chapman

Probably the first sexy female hacker, Anna Vasilyevna Chapman. This 1982 born Russian beauty was arrested in 2010 from New York City by the FBI. She was an active member of an illegal Program spy ring under the Russian Federation’s “SVR (Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki)”. Her story takes you to those sexy spy agents that you see in Hollywood movies.


kristina hacker

It seem Russia, a country famous for breakthrough researches stands ahead for sexy hackers. Kristina Svechinskaya is another poplar, young, super hot hacker from Russia in our top five list. A big money mule, she along with her nine mates, attacked various top banks like Bank of America and Bank of Wachovia. They managed to take out more than $3 million. For attacks, she used trojan viruses. She was also charged for forged passport. Arrested in New York, she was later (2013) released under the court’s supervision after paying a fine of 35 thousand dollars.

5.Ying Cracker

Ying Cracker
Image Source:

This hacker from Shanghai is too shrewd. She never got herself in any illegal mess yet you can’t call her work all clean. Ying Cracker, the Chinese super hot and sexy hacker is somewhat different. She treats herself as an educator, who conducts various hacking workshops. You must be dreaming to have such hot teacher in your class. She helps others to crack software and also writes software for corporations for a good charge. She has a large online followers.

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Wrap Up

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